10 Common Men’s Hair System Mistakes to Avoid

Written by

Adam Bennett


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Have you ever read reviews that say, “I wish I had installed a hair system one shade lighter, or this hair system is way more bulky than I had thought of it”? If yes, all these situations are the outcomes of avoiding some of the most common men’s hair system mistakes. 

We’ve all seen those guys walking around with hair systems that look better than natural hair. And then there are those guys who look like they have stuck their old wig on with super glue. 

So, what is their secret? What is going wrong? Trust us, we have been in this game for a long time and have seen the good, the bad, and the worst as well.

The sad part is that most individuals make the same mistakes over and over again. This has now started to look like someone trying to spread frozen butter on bread- painful to watch but easy to fix.

This guide will discuss 10 common men’s hair system blunders and how to avoid them. From selecting the wrong hair colour to forgetting about proper maintenance, there are many ways to end up with a look that forces you to wonder, “What should I do now with my hair system?”

Simply avoid hair system mistakes and let the hair system do its job without anyone noticing it’s really there! 

10 Common Men’s Hair System Mistakes to Avoid

Here is a list of the top 10 common hairpiece mistakes that can severely damage the hair system. 

There are also ways given here that prevent hair system damage caused by mistakes. Stick around!

1) Opting for the wrong colour and density

Who does not like a natural-looking hair system? We all do, right? But to achieve that natural look, it is important to first understand the hues of our natural (original) colour palette and then choose a hair system. 

If you are unsure about your hair colour, you can consult a hair expert and can ask for hair system colour ring. Then, you can do a proper colour match and easily avoid such men’s hair system mistakes. 

One of the frequent hair system mistakes people have is that the thicker the hair is, the better. NO! This is not the case.

The truth is just the opposite. Choosing the right density for your age is really important to have a natural and undetectable look.

So, when choosing the density, make sure it matches your existing hair on the sides and back.

Opt for the medium light density if you are in your twenties or thirties and lighter densities if you are above forty.

Of course, if you like thick, trendy hairstyles, you can also choose a medium density of 100%—110%.

2) Using the wrong type of products

When it comes to addressing one of the most common men’s hair system mistakes, one of the ones we see often is using the wrong type of hair system care product!

This mistake is much easier to make often, so it’s important to double-check any products with your hairstylist about what and how to use them on your hair system.

3) Relying on a single hairpiece

The problem begins when you only purchase a single hair system. 

Think it out: What will you do if you do not have a spare hair system when cleaning men’s hairpieces? Proper hair system cleaning requires time, time for drying, and time for cleaning, and in this case, if you rely on that one hair system, then, unfortunately, you have to sit at home!

4) Improper blending of hair system

This step comes in when you practice DIY things at home. We suggest not doing it and contacting a professional for the same, and this is the best practice for hair systems. 

Take the hair system to a hair studio to get it done how you want it, ensuring that the hair system is correctly blended with your hairline & hair. 

Approach a hairstylist like us who is an expert in blending hair systems with your natural hair & with all the proper techniques.

5) Excessive lace cutting

One of the most common mistakes to avoid with men’s hair system is to stop cutting the lace if you do not possess the knowledge to do the same.

When you cut the lace yourself, you might cut the overall line of the hair system, making it seem unnatural.

6) Choosing stock hair system over customisation

When you choose a stock hair system, you will not get something that speaks to you. Because stock hair systems may not fit everyone perfectly, and the hair colour and texture may not match the wearer’s natural hair exactly.

A custom hair system is the best. You will learn how it fits by making your own template and deciding the colour, fit, style, and density—everything will be of your choice only!

7) Improper use of hair-system tape

Hair system tapes are the best only if they are used properly. Using too much tape can cause an unsightly residue and make wearing the hair system unpleasant. 

Our selection of hair system tape is of the same excellent quality as the rest of our hair system care items and is clearly labelled for its many applications.

8) Adopting DIY cutting

Do not indulge in this practice and reach out to a professional rather than attempting to cut your hair system unless you have experience doing the same.

This is one of the most common men’s hair system mistakes people make with their hair systems!

9) Forgetting natural hair

If you have hair underneath your hair system, caring for both types of hair becomes essential.

Doing this will allow you to take good care of your original hair. 

The course of action is simple: remove the hair system properly at night, wash your hair, and apply products as needed!

10) Using a hair system in too much heat

If you do not protect your hair system from heat, it will damage it, making it dry and causing tangles.

Heat also plays a major role in fading hair systems. Too much heat can weaken the adhesive bonds and cause them to melt. Learning and understanding hair system longevity tips is better when you are out in that hot heat.

What is the Importance of Professional Consultation?

Men’s hair replacement systems are a foolproof way to cure any male hair loss problem. They are a male balding cure that ensures an almost 100% success rate. 

In addition, there are some common hair system mistakes for men that must be avoided if you are aiming for that natural look!  

And to avoid all those small/big mistakes, you can consult a professional non-surgical hair replacement studio like IHS London. We can guide you through even the most minor details, like colour and density selection. 

At our studio, we address everything from the long-lasting installation that can avoid hair system installation mistakes to using excellent-quality tapes and glues. We suggest exact products and care that can keep your hair system in good quality for longer and give good results.

IHS London works on the motto of giving you confidence back. Our hair replacement systems promise style, comfort, a natural look, cost-effectiveness, and the best aftercare in the business.


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Yes, you can store a wig in a plastic bag, but not for a longer time.
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Yes, you can store a wig in a ziplock bag.
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Use a wig cap, wig tape, or a wig grip to keep your wig on head.
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You can use bobby pins or a wig grip band.
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No, not every mom experiences postpartum hair loss.
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Postpartum hair loss usually stops within months, but you can consider the treatments discussed in the blog if it continues.
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Increased shedding and thinning hair.


The purpose of a hair system is that you should be able to regain your self-confidence. Your life won’t be drastically changed because of your hair system.

So, in the same accordance, take proper care and avoid all such mistakes to gain a gratifying experience.

Author Profile

Adam Bennett

Adam Bennett is a Certified Trichologist at IHS Hair replacement with over 21 years of Unbeatable experience. Throughout his remarkable career, he has successfully completed an impressive 8000 hair replacement systems. Adam is dedicated to transforming lives and boosting self-confidence so that one can live with all the pride and confidence. Adam Bennett has served over 800 satisfied clients and still-counting, while helping them get their natural appearance and emotions back with all the pride and confidence.

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